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Early Intervention and Eating Disorders Workshop Programme

Find out more about our programme below! You can find out further information about speakers by clicking on their names.

**Programme maybe subject to change*

Time Session

13:30 - 13:45

Setting the Scene

Introduction Andrew Radford, Chief Executive, Beat (UK)

What do we know about early intervention in eating disorders and where are the gaps?

Ulrike Schmidt

13:45 - 14:30

Session 1: What can early intervention for eating disorders learn from service models in other fields?

Chair: Professor Ulrike Schmidt

Dr Lee Hudson, Consultant Pediatrician, GosH.

Dr Tom Spencer, Consultant Psychiatrist and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Early Detection and Intervention, IoPPN, KCL

Avalon Ross - Lived experience perspective

Natalie Pike - Lived experience perspective

14:30 - 14:45



Session 2 :The role of brief interventions and technology in early intervention for eating disorders.

Chair : Dr. Fiona Duffy, University of Edinburgh

Dr Karina Allen

Dr Dasha Nicholls

Zoe Summers - Lived experience perspective

Alan Lofthouse- Carer




Session 3: Beyond specialist services: What can staff within primary care, schools and universities do to support prevention and early intervention for eating disorders?

Chair: Dr. Helen Sharpe, University of Edinburgh

Dr.Vibhore Prasad

Hannah Lewis

Jaz Kaur -Lived experience perspective

Chloe Bell--Lived experience perspective

16.30 -17:00


To include: Professor Ulrike Schmidt, Dr Helen Sharpe, Dr Fiona Duffy, Andrew Radford

Avalon Ross - Lived experience perspective

Chloe Bell--Lived experience perspective

Buy your ticket here!


Ulrike Schmidt

Professor of Eating Disorders & Consultant Psychiatrist.

Dr Karina Allen

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Fiona Duffy

Consultant Clinical Psychologist Eating Disorder Development Team

Helen Sharpe

Senior lecturer in applied psychology at the University of Edinburgh.

Andrew Radford

Beat's Chief Executive

Zoe Summer

Lived experience perspective

Jaz Kaur

Lived experience perspective

Hannah Lewis

PHD Researcher at the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health at Queen Mary, University of London.

Dr.Vibhore Prasad

Dr Vibhore Prasad is a working GP and a clinical academic researcher

Dr Dasha Nicholls

Dasha Nicholls is Clinical Reader in Child Psychiatry at Imperial College London.

Natalie Pike

Live experience perspective

Dr Thomas Spencer

Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Department of Psychosis Studies, and Education Lead for the School of Academic Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience.

Chloe Bell

Lived Experience Perspective

Avalon Ross

Lived experience perspective

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