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Type 1 Diabetes and Eating Disorders Programme

Find out more about our programme below! You can find out further information about speakers by clicking on their names.

**Programme maybe subject to change*

Time Session

13:30 – 13:40


Andrew Radford, Chief Executive, Beat (UK)

13:40 – 13:45

Introduction to the T1DE workshop

Dr Helen Partridge- Consultant Diabetologist, University Hospital Dorset.


Session 1: Diabetes and eating disorders in the paediatric setting.

Dr Simon Chapman, Consultant Paediatrician, Kings Health Partnership

Dr Carla Figuereido, Consultant Psychiatrist in Eating Disorders, Dorset Eating Disorders Service

Dr Shankar Kanumakala, Consultant Paediatrician (Diabetes and Endocrine), Royal Alexandra Hospital, Brighton




Session 2 : Living with T1DE: what patients and healthcare professionals need to know?

Claire Pinder –Senior Dietitian, Dorset Eating Disorders Service

Nicola Stacey –Diabetes Specialist Nurse –University Hospitals Dorset

Naomi Parnell- Lived Experience Perspective




Session 3 : Engaging with therapies and with the team

Ariella Thompson- Lived Experience Perspective

Dr Lindsey Rouse –Clinical psychologist in Diabetes University Hospitals Dorset

Linda Gerrard-Longworth, Eating disorders therapist, Dorset Eating disorders service


Final reflections and Questions

This session will reflect on learnings from each of the sessions involving a panel of speakers from across the event, including lived experience perspectives. Delegates will also have the opportunity to put their questions to the panel.

Dr Helen Partridge

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Dr Helen Partridge

Consultant in Diabetes, University Hospitals Dorset

Claire Pinder

Senior Dietitian, Dorset Eating Disorders Service.

Naomi Parnell

Co-facilitates two peer support groups

Dr Simon Chapman

Consultant Paediatrician, Kings Health Partnership

Dr Shankar Kanumakala

Consultant Paediatrician (Diabetes and Endocrine)

Nicola Stacey

Diabetes Specialist Nurse –University Hospitals Dorset

Andrew Radford

CEO of Beat

Ariella Thompson

Lived Experience Perspective

Lindsey Rouse

Clinical psychologist in Diabetes University Hospitals Dorset

Linda Gerrard-Longworth

.Cognitive Behavioural Therapist specialised in treating eating disorders