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Autism & Eating Disorders Workshop Programme

Find out more about our programme below! You can find out further information about speakers by clicking on their names.

Time Session

13:30 – 13:40


Andrew Radford, Chief Executive, Beat (UK)

13:40 – 14:00

Literature and Policy Overview

Dr. Rachel Bryant-Waugh

This presentation will give an overview of both the content and the balance of the Autism and Eating Disorders literature. It will also explore relevant policy initiatives and changes affecting health care professionals that are relevant to this topic.

14:00 – 14:45

Session 1

Are autistic people more vulnerable to eating disorders? If so, are there preventative opportunities and lessons for early intervention?

This session will include discussion about trajectories of development of eating difficulties and the importance of early access for eating disorders, which is often even harder for autistic individuals.


Vickie and Phoenix (parent and young person - lived experience perspectives)

Anne Worrall-Davies (Consultant psychiatrist)

Dr Virginia Carter-Leno (Postdoctoral Fellow)

Dr Moritz Herle (Lecturer)

Lucy Santuary ( Highly Specialist Speech & Language Therapist CBT practioner specialising in Autism )

14:45 – 15:00


15:00 – 15:45

Session 2

Challenges, adaptations and adjustments: what do clinicians working with people with eating disorders need to know to improve care for autistic clients?

This session aims to encourage those offering clinical services to reflect on their own practice and consider ways to make this more inclusive and accessible to autistic children, young people and adults.


Kim Hoffman & Fiona Hollings

Prof Will Mandy (Professor of Neurodevelopmental Conditions)

Dr Anthony Winston (Consultant Psychologist)

15:45 – 16:30

Session 3

Supporting best practice: making sure the voices of individuals and family members are heard and acted upon

This session includes discussion about structures and initiatives supporting best practice related to autistic people with eating disorders, active promotion of access and support based on what people say they want and need. This session will address existing guidance, resources, support, and focus on co-creation.


Dr. Laura Coulthard (Designated Clinical Officer)

Umairah Malik (Clinical Advice Coordinator Beat)

Dr Emma Kinnaird (Postdoctoral Clinical Psychology Trainee)

Ellen Maloney ( Lived experience)

16:30 – 17:00

Final reflections and questions

This session will be a brief theme extraction, summary, and explore what topics may be of interest in the future. There will also be the opportunity for questions and answers.

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